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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Context referenceFunctions and types related to OpenGL and OpenGL ES contexts
 Initialization, version and error referenceFunctions and types related to initialization and error handling
 Error codesError codes
 Input referenceFunctions and types related to input handling
 Gamepad axesGamepad axes
 Gamepad buttonsGamepad buttons
 Joystick hat statesJoystick hat states
 JoysticksJoystick IDs
 Keyboard key tokensKeyboard key tokens
 Modifier key flagsModifier key flags
 Mouse buttonsMouse button IDs
 Standard cursor shapesStandard system cursor shapes
 Monitor referenceFunctions and types related to monitors
 Native accessFunctions related to accessing native handles
 Vulkan support referenceFunctions and types related to Vulkan
 Window referenceFunctions and types related to windows